If you live in the Rochester area, then you might be interested in finding the best live Rochester music to serenade you on these chilly autumn nights. Here are a few of the best ways that you can go about finding the best Rochester NY events without doing too much work to get there.
1. While you are getting a pumpkin spiced latte at one of the many amazing coffee shops in and around the city, take a peak at one of those boards covered in posters that all the really hipster ones always have. Most of those posters are probably advertising Rochester NY music shows that you can take a friend or date to. A lot of them are probably even free or at the very least, really cheap.
2. Ask people that you work with. Do you work with a bunch of cool people? Just ask them what to do in Rochester. they probably know all of the cool things to do in Rochester and the probably also know of all the best Rochester music. You might even make a couple of new friends to go with.
3. Check the internet! This should probably be obvious, but here it is in print just so that you do not forget. Just look up music events in Rochester and you will probably come up with more results than you can even see before the snow starts to fall.