If you have even glanced at the internet marketing scene lately, you are probably aware of SEO reseller packages. They are fairly hard to ignore. Anyone in internet marketing, if not already an SEO provider, will eventually ask themselves if they want to work with SEO reseller packages. The fact is, SEO is a popular marketing technique, and companies need it. About 80% of internet users ignore paid aids. Instead, they prefer organic search results, which is where SEO has all its strengths.
If you have not quite answered the question for yourself, if having private label SEO is worth it, then consider these three points.
- It can help you build your brand.
- It can help you make money, and close leads.
- It works, whether or not you are an expert.
White label SEO is a lot like those store name brands you find in the grocery store. One manufacturer makes corn flakes, but a lot of different grocery stores get to put their name on the box. In this instance, you are the grocery store, delivering quality corn flakes to your clients so that they can rank higher on search engines, and an SEO firm is the corn flake manufacturer. If you want to add additional services, or to continue the metaphor, foods, to your portfolio, then you can do that with SEO reseller packages.
When you resell SEO services, you get to mark up the package so that you can turn a profit. Because so many companies need SEO, and the close rate is about 14.6%, as opposed to something like direct mail with a close rate of 1.7%, it can be a very lucrative activity. More and more, companies are beginning to realize that they need good SEO. If you need to sell a company on the value, let them know that Google has about 70% of the search engine market, and 18% of user selections go to the top ranking website on Google.
Seo programs are created by companies that know what they are doing. Often times, SEO reseller packages are given with support from the original company, so you do not need to know all the ins and outs of keywords, or site optimization. More than 75% of marketers with campaigns in place are using content creation. The original firm will likely already have quality content creation included in the package.
Seo resellers have a lot to benefit from, and very little to risk. When you become an SEO reseller, let your clients know these two tips. First, half of all search users prefer to click on results where the brand name makes multiple appearances. Second, the name of their website should be one of the top five most used names in anchor texts.
The reseller plan may not take care of those two things, but you can pass on the tips anyway. As an SEO reseller you will want your clients to have successful campaigns. Their success starts with your white label SEO.