The protection of your car is important to you. So is recycling. Together, they can benefit each other. Each year, Americans recycle more steel than any other recyclable products combined. While all recycling is important, the recycling of steel is extremely beneficial for those who own a vehicle. Being the most versatile construction and engineering material in the world, steel is used to build car ports, a protective shelter for your car.
The term car port was thought of by the architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright believed that “a car is not a horse; it does not need a barn”. The idea of carports is simple, it is a protective covering built from steel to protect your car, boats, etc. A car port is more simplistic than garage buildings. They are built next to or near the home, unattached.
The metal garages aka car ports keep cars and boats safe against unwanted weather conditions. Unwanted hail damage is typically not covered by automotive insurance, but having a metal carport can reduce or eliminate the risk of hail damage altogether. The use of metal carports have increased retail sales of boats, accessories and marine services six percent to $32.3 billion in 2011. Car ports are efficient and simplistic for quality protection of vehicles. The investment in car ports can only be beneficial.