Although many Americans wish to give to a good cause, they remain unaware of their options because it is difficult for charitable organizations and events to receive proper press coverage. This is why sweepstakes events are often incorporated into charitable efforts. A contest or similar event can make it easier for individuals to not only remember the charities in question, but feel motivated to give. A wider audience can be reached and in many cases, a broader pool of donations may be received. This is one reason why Team IMPACT is offering Americans the ability to win a Shelby AC Cobra while at the same time giving to people who really need help.
Giving Back While Winning A Cobra
Those interested in being able to give to a good cause while also receiving the chance to win a Shelby AC Cobra simply need to enter Team IMPACT’s sweepstakes. By visiting Omaze, potential contestants can enter with increments of money. Each increment will represent a certain number of entries, which in turn will give entrants more of an opportunity to win than an individual entry would.
The lowest increment available is $10, which will give each donor 100 entries. Following is $25, the most popular increment, which will give individuals 250 entries; then $35, which will correspond to $350 entries. $40 will equal 400 entries, $50 will equal 1,000 entries, and $100 will equal 2,000 entries. Therefore, the more an individual chooses to give to a good cause, the more likely they will be to win the Cobra. The deadline to submit an entry is January 28, 2021 at 11:59 Pacific Standard Time.
Following a 10 day period after the sweepstakes close, an automated random drawing process will be used to select the winner, ensuring that the contest is fair. The winner will specifically win a Shelby Cobra 427 S/C as well as $20,000. However, the winner will also have the opportunity to refuse this Grand Prize in favor of a cash prize. The cash prize will be valued at no more than 75% of the Approximate Retail Value of the Grand Prize, in this case, $170,000.
As with any Sweepstakes, there are terms and conditions to remember. Firstly, all entrants must be at least 18 years old in order to win. Additionally, they must not be residents of Belgium, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Italy, North Korea, Singapore, Sudan, Syria, or Thailand. This leaves millions of people eligible to win the Shelby Cobra while also being able to give to a good cause.
It is important to note that the individual that wins the Shelby Cobra will still be responsible for factors that come with vehicular ownership. In the United States, the vehicle will be delivered with U.S. sales tax, shipping fees, and registration fees paid. Furthermore, if the prize winner is an U.S. resident Omaze will also provide 25% of the vehicle’s ARV separately from the $20,000 prize in order to help offset any income taxes. A winner living outside of the United States will receive the vehicle shipped net of all taxes and will be responsible for all import duties, registration fees, or further taxes. No matter where the winner hails from, they will still need to pay for an auto insurance policy as well as all ongoing taxes and registration fees associated with maintaining a care. This still remains little in comparison to what would normally be paid for a Cobra, and even auto racing parts alone can be quite expensive on even the most affordable markets. This sweepstakes allows donors to experience something that they normally would never have the ability to access. Those that have yet to experience driving a Shelby AC Cobra may wonder about the value of the vehicle, but minor research quickly reveals why it is so valued among auto enthusiasts.
The Grand Prize: Understanding the Appeal of the Shelby Cobra
The Shelby AC Cobra is known as one of the coolest cars in U.S. history. Originally designed to be “Corvette-Beaters” despite the fact that that they weighed nearly 500 pounds less than Chevrolet Corvettes, Shelby’s original AC Cobras completely changed the sports car game when they were first released. The goal when designing Cobras initially was to create a vehicle that looked great and moved competitively, while at the same time being light and easy to maneuver. To this day, these cars are still considered by many auto enthusiasts to be the most thrilling machines to drive. Their performance levels are incredible, and their appearances are quite striking. A true car lover recognizes a Cobra as soon as they see it, and it remains an icon of power across the world.
Although they remain known to this day for their incredible performance levels, Cobras are quite difficult for the average American to get their hands on. For one thing, they’re difficult to source. The production of AC Cobras has been intermittent, to say the least. After 1968, Shelby didn’t produce any more Cobras until the 1990s. Needless to say, it can be difficult to find Cobras at the typical auto dealerships. Although many Cobra lovers are able to build replicas through kits, this requires a lot of experience and for that matter a lot of money. It’s certainly not a task for the inexperienced driver, and if anything is done incorrectly the car can be completely useless or in some cases dangerous to drive.
Occasionally, Shelby Cobras are available on the market. But due to the limited availability of the vehicle virtually any version of a Shelby Cobra will be exorbitantly expensive. An unrestored original Shelby 427 Cobra, for example, will typically start at over $1 million. These cars are not available to the average person. Therefore, it is remarkable that Team IMPACT has given car lovers the opportunity to own a Shelby Cobra while at the same time being able to give to a good cause.
As previously mentioned, the car that is being offered to donors as the grand prize for the Team IMPACT sweepstakes is the Shelby Cobra 427. The car will have been build by Superperformance, and will possess the exact same specifications as the original 1965 vehicle. The winner of the sweepstakes will enjoy its V8 engine and impressive acceleration. Furthermore, the additional $20,000 awarded to the winner will be theirs to pay for as they wish. If they so please, they can put this fund away for the maintenance of the car. Though the winner can do with the car as they wish, if they plan on driving it regularly they will want to work with a specialized auto mechanic that offers the experience necessary to handle such a delicate vehicle.
Those that donate to the Team IMPACT sweepstakes will understandably wish to know how exactly their donation will give to a good cause. Fortunately, the organization is accessible and those that wish to research will find the task simple.
Team IMPACT: Offering A New Lease on Life
Team IMPACT is a charitable organization focusing on a demographic that is in particular need, specifically children suffering from serious chronic illnesses. These children are already facing serious challenges due to the intensity of their conditions. Though their physical health is of course the most serious concern, it is important that other issues do not fall to the wayside as they receive healthcare services. Sick children frequently become socially isolated and lose confidence as they are treated. Many are not able to attend school while being treated, and some live for months at a time in children’s wards at hospitals. This can seriously affect their mental health. It’s crucial that children not only receive medical treatment, but have their psychological needs tended to if they are to remain as able to recover as possible. Many treatments that children undergo for serious illnesses may weaken them before they recover, and this can furthermore affect their willingness to survive.
Team IMPACT offers these children both a diversion and real hope and camaraderie. The organization matches each child to a college athletic team, inducting them into a program that lasts for two years and is clinically informed. Children feel included by the members of the team, and understand that even as they struggle with pediatric illness, they are not alone. The goal is to promote physical health, while also offering the children a support system, friendship, and empowerment. As athletes focus heavily on resilience, this is an aspect of the programs as well. With the support of their team, children are able to build resilience and feel as if they can face anything.
When considering whether or not to give to a good cause, many Americans want to help as many people as possible. Therefore, it is also important for them to understand the way that Team IMPACT affects the family members of children undergoing treatments and physical therapy. Family members are also emotionally impacted by the medical treatments that their children must withstand. Many parents are forced to take time off of work or even quit their jobs to watch over their children during long hospital stays. The combination of isolation and worry about their children can lead parents and other family members to suffer from mental health challenges as well. Therefore, Team IMPACT can have major positive impacts for the entire family, not merely the children themselves.
Families and children alike can connect with the athletic teams that become their matches. Children will usually set personalized goals, and at the same time, the student-athletes will benefit as well. They can learn much from these children and the adversity that they face with their children. The act of service that they offer the people they are matched with teaches them how and people choose to give to a good cause. This is particularly significant for athletes that may come from more sheltered backgrounds or may otherwise experience complications related to the privilege they are offered as student-athletes. It is important for them to understand that they do experience advantages due to this privilege, and in this sense, Team IMPACT can offer them much as well.
Team IMPACT is a well-run organization, and in order to function as a tool that benefits both children and student-athletes, it follows a carefully set process. Children are first determined to be eligible through a vetting process, by which they must meet standards regarding their health and emotional states. Teams are then selected based on the proximities of their campuses to the children in question, the children’s physical and emotional needs, and their prognoses. Teams need to be properly emotionally mature. Furthermore, the coaching philosophy of the team must align to Team IMPACT’s goals, and the size and cohesion of the team must further align with the need of the children.
Team IMPACT will then form a plan with social workers and child life specialists in order to fit the personalized goals of the children that are being supported. Together with the team, they will move forward to reach those goals on a therapeutic level.
Case managers will always be available to work with the teams in order to ensure that they are properly serving the needs of the children, while also having their own emotional needs met. Working with children that are ill and may have negative prognoses can be difficult, especially for younger athletes. At times, choosing to give to a good cause on an emotional level can be difficult for athletes. Therefore, Team IMPACT ensures that their needs are met as well as those of the children. With this approach, the personal goals for all involved can be achieved.
The sweepstakes supporting Team IMPACT are meant to allow people to give to a good cause while also having the potential to achieve a dream that was perhaps long held. Therefore, more people than those simply involved in the project are able to benefit. Not only will these sweepstakes allow Team IMPACT to fundraise; it will also ideally spread awareness about Team IMPACT and its long term goals.