Top Reasons You Should Be Investing in SEO

Search marketing

Millions of people around the world have been adding and creating content, almost since the day it was started. While this is a great way to foster interest and understanding between individuals, it can make doing business online a bit difficult. As the internet grows and evolves, so too must your website and marketing strategy if you plan on not being left behind your competitors. Since more than 100 billion global searches are conducted online each month and more than 93% of users begin they work online with a search, it is important to do whatever work you can to make sure that your website does not get lost in the ever changing shuffle. Here are a few easy ways you can step up your online marketing game to make sure you are reaching the potential customers your business needs.

One of the first things on your agenda should be investing in SEO resellers. Search engine optimization is a fairly complicated way of describing the process of perfecting your website. Since Google receives about 70% of the search engine market share these days, it is important to tailor your website to the specifications they look for. Though it might seem like a long shot to follow the whims of a company whose lawns are mowed by goats, they decide how your site will be ranked in a search. Spending the time and money to make sure that your site has the best chance of making it high up in those rankings will result in more traffic in the long run.

Since more than three quarters of people who use search engines only click on organic results, it is important to focus your SEO resellers efforts on organic rankings. Though paying for sponsored results may seem like the best way to raise your rankings, most people will skip your ad and seek out the first organic result instead. It may seem like a long fight to the top of a Google results page, but the journey is worth the struggle.

Not only will you need to work on your rankings with SEO resellers, but essentially every company has a social media presence these days. Though it might seem daunting to add the time it would take to keep up with these resources, about 30% of businesses actually outsource at least a portion of their social media marketing. Research shows that a strong social media presence can greatly increase the traffic to your site.

Once your site has the traffic that you are looking for, you will need to make sure that your website development can handle it. Not only that, but you will need to be sure that your website works well and looks great on any device that it may be accessed from. The easiest way to achieve this is by investing in responsive website design. This newer form of web development has the ability to change and grow with the advances of the internet. Since a new phone or tablet is released almost every week, trying to keep up with your website’s coding can be a nightmare. Responsive website design solves all these problems, while ensuring that your site keeps up with changes and even thrives.

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