Looking For New Grass Seed? Here are a Few Facts You Need to Know

Grass seed when to sow

Are you more than a little bit disappointed with the state of your lawn? There are a lot of solutions for a problem such as this, using grass seed for shaded areas is one of the most simple solutions available on the market today. Before you decide to invest in drought resistant grass seeds or other kinds of good grass seed, here are a few important facts you meed to know.

In 2011, do-it-yourself lawn and gardening activities increased 3 percent over the previous year. Since using grass seed is one of the easiest landscaping you can do, it is a great way to save a little bit of money on the upkeep of your home and lawn.

In 2011, American spending on lawn and garden products increased by 2 percent, accounting for an extra $688 million compared to 2010. One of the reasons for this might be the fact that people have been going above and beyond in order to sell their homes in this awful housing market. Spending a little bit of money on small but cumulative additions and improvements to your home can be a great way to greatly increase the value of your home before you attempt to sell it. It can also make your home a bit more appealing to potential buyers.

The number of households that use only all-natural lawn care products increased from approximately 5 million in 2004, to 12 million in 2008, and has continued to rise. As the green movement continues to grow traction in the country, more people will be using grass seed that is organic and all natural will continue to rise.

Instead of collecting your grass clippings as you mow, leave them in place to recycle as mulch. You can rake the grass slightly if you notice it clumping. This is another great way to save a little bit of money when it comes to landscaping. Using your used lawn clippings will mean that you need to spend a little bit of money on your much purchasing endeavors.

According to a study by the Seattle Public Utilities, the economic impact associated with sustainable lawn practices saves approximately $75 per household per year.

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