Two Popular Attractions to Visit in Hawaii

Ussr arizona tours

Did you know that Oahu is the third-largest Hawaiian island? Oahu is commonly known for Pearl Harbor, which was attacked by the Empire of Japan in 1941. This attack caused the United States to become involved in World War II, and as a result, Pearl Harbor is a popular attraction to see. Fortunately, there are several types of package tours available that will take you around Pearl Harbor and show you everything important associated with the historic site, such as the USS Arizona and USS Missouri.

The USS Arizona is the final resting place for most of the 1,177 crewmen killed on board during the attack on Pearl Harbor. The USS Arizona Memorial was created in 1958 under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and its 184-foot-long structure spans the mid-portion of the sunken battleship. This memorial consists of three main sections, which include the entry room, assembly room, and shrine room, and small group tours can take you through these sections to show you everything the memorial contains, such as the marble wall that displays the names of every person killed on board during the attack.

The USS Missouri is another popular site to visit on Pearl Harbor tours. Although the USS Missouri did not sink during the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Axis and Allied powers met on the ship in 1945 to discuss peace agreements. This led the USS Missouri to become synonymous with the end of World War II. The USS Missouri Memorial is located far enough away from the USS Arizona Memorial so that neither ship steals the spotlight from the other, but there are several types of package tours available that will show you both ships.

Pearl Harbor is a popular place to visit on Hawaii tours. Pearl Harbor contains both the USS Arizona and USS Missouri memorials, making it a common attraction in Oahu. By finding the right types of package tours, you will be able to experience the benefits of visiting these historic sites. Continue your research here.

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