On the YouTube channel Command The Courtroom, in the video “Seven Mistakes That Will Stop You From Winning A Custody Case,” they discuss seven mistakes in a child custody case that clients make. The first mistake is the caregivers or parents do not provide or disclose the information needed to the other side in the case. Every district has different rules on disclosure and learning the rules will help clients provide the information requested. When clients are in a custody case, not providing information on discovery requests leads to problems with the case. Clients should respond to requests for information in a timely manner.
Filing too many motions against the other party that are outside the norm will hurt your custody case. Lying to the judge on the stand or in your legal paperwork can hurt your chances of getting a fair trial and your credibility. Another mistake in child custody cases that parents make is sending nasty emails, making phone calls, or being rude to the opposing party. Sometimes clients make requests that are not in alignment with their case, asking for more time with the kids when they have never been involved with them in the past. Lastly, clients that do not follow court deadlines for preparing pretrial paperwork and statements run into delays and appear unprofessional. Paying attention to these details in court custody cases will provide both parties with better results.